Senior | Piala Presiden Staroba

  • Leo FC
  • 5
  • League 08 July, 2023| 6:30 pm Match Report
  • 1
  • Batak Dazel FC
  • Masters All Star FC
  • 1
  • League 08 July, 2023| 5:00 pm Match Report
  • 4
  • Gajah Tempur FC
  • Leo FC
  • 1
  • League 11 March, 2023| 8:00 pm Match Report
  • 1
  • Masters All Star FC
  • Gajah Tempur FC
  • 0
  • League 11 March, 2023| 5:00 pm Match Report
  • 3
  • Sharks FC
  • Kriuk2 FC
  • 3
  • League 11 March, 2023| 5:00 pm Match Report
  • 1
  • Batak Dazel FC
  • Kriuk2 FC
  • 1
  • League 11 February, 2023| 6:30 pm Match Report
  • 4
  • Gajah Tempur FC
  • Batak Dazel FC
  • 3
  • League 11 February, 2023| 5:00 pm Match Report
  • 4
  • Masters All Star FC
  • Gajah Tempur FC
  • 2
  • League 07 January, 2023| 8:00 pm Match Report
  • 1
  • Batak Dazel FC

Junior | Piala Presiden Staroba

  • Serigalak FC
  • 1
  • League 08 July, 2023| 8:00 pm Match Report
  • 2
  • Letop FC
  • VX FC
  • 0
  • League 11 March, 2023| 8:00 pm Match Report
  • 1
  • Tikus Licik FC
  • Letop FC
  • 1
  • League 11 March, 2023| 5:00 pm Match Report
  • 1
  • The Rouse FC
  • Serigalak FC
  • 1
  • League 11 February, 2023| 8:00 pm Match Report
  • 0
  • VX FC
  • The Rouse FC
  • 2
  • League 11 February, 2023| 5:00 pm Match Report
  • 4
  • Tikus Licik FC
  • VR FC
  • 1
  • League 07 January, 2023| 8:00 pm Match Report
  • 4
  • The Rouse FC
  • Tikus Licik FC
  • 3
  • League 07 January, 2023| 6:30 pm Match Report
  • 0
  • Serigalak FC